Are Outdoor Playsets Worth It?

With children and a large backyard, you may ponder whether an outdoor playset is worth the investment. It would be enjoyable for your kids and spruce up your garden! So what are our sincere thoughts on this matter? Should you buy one or search for other options? 

Outdoor playsets are worth your investment. Even if your children outgrow and no longer use them, you can still recoup some of the costs by reselling the wooden swing set later. Plus, they will also increase property value if you decide to keep it - making this purchase even more profitable in the long run!

Is a Playset an Investment Worth Making?

Investing in an outdoor playset for your family can be a great decision. It allows children to engage with each other and nature, learn essential skills, have fun, and get fresh air – all while you reap the benefits of having peace of mind knowing they are safe outdoors. Furthermore, these sets can last several years if maintained properly, providing continuous entertainment and fun.

Additionally, you may save money on activities that your children have to pay for, such as gym memberships or other organized sports, since they can exercise outdoors in the comfort of your backyard. You'll be able to add a layer of protection for them with a playset, as the enclosed structure keeps them within the boundaries of your yard and away from possible danger.

Finally, outdoor playsets can give you a higher return on investment when it comes time to sell your home. Outdoor improvements such as these are one of the top things buyers look for in a house, making it easier to stand out among other homes on the market.

The Children Are the Number One Priority

Aside from the financial aspects, let's talk about what matters: your kids. It is essential to remember that the playset you are purchasing should be for them to have fun with, not merely as a decoration in your yard. Therefore, when making this critical decision, it would be much better to consider what they enjoy rather than basing it solely on aesthetics and personal preference.

Keep an eye on what your children prefer, play helps reduce stress in kids. explore the possibility of a toy that would give them more joy, or even straightforwardly inquire about the plaything they'd enjoy most. It could be anything from swing sets to monkey bars or slides – whatever it is, guarantee your kids have fun with it!

Ultimately, a playset is only worth the cost if your children enjoy it. However, investing in an expensive set can seem worthwhile when you observe what physical activity and features they want most on playgrounds or with friends' backyard equipment. Talking to your kids and learning about their preferences will help ensure that the purchase of play equipment for your yard is well-spent.

To get the most value from your playset, start with what your kids will enjoy. Depending on how they take to it, you can plan for additional items matching their interests. This step-by-step approach is a surefire way to ensure satisfaction and maximum return.

Is a Playset Superior to Visiting the Local Playground?

Comparing the benefits of an outdoor playset versus a public playground is difficult. Ultimately, it depends on personal preferences and needs. However, if you're looking for an alternative that will replace frequent trips to the park, investing in a playset is not your best option. It cannot provide all the same elements and experiences as traditional parks.

A public playground allows children of all backgrounds to come together and form relationships, an integral part of healthy development. Taking your child outside for a playdate is beneficial and necessary to allow them to interact with others their age and expand their social network.

For busy working parents, playsets are an invaluable resource. After all, many of us don't have the time to entertain our kids during the day - leaving them in a caregiver's care is much more feasible. With a quality playset at hand, though, you can rest assured that both your little ones and their nanny will be able to enjoy hours of fun throughout the day!

Although an outdoor playset can be a great addition to your backyard, try taking your children out for fun at the local playground. If there is none in the vicinity, you may have no choice but to use what you already possess - and that's alright! It should also be mentioned that both serve different purposes; therefore, it's beneficial to experience them whenever possible.

Will the Efforts be Wasted Later On?

Will an outdoor playset be a total loss when the kids mature? The answer is it doesn't have to be. Sure, you can let them go unused after your children outgrow them - or you can repurpose and revamp these sets for other uses!

One of the most effective ways to eliminate an old outdoor playset is by gifting it to one of your family members. This way, you can be sure that someone in need will use it well—especially if they have kids! If none come to mind, another option is selling them; parents are always on the hunt for excellent deals when buying active play equipment for their little ones.

Investing in a quality playset guarantees many years of good use. Once your children outgrow it, there's no need for the set to be left unused - make sure to bring joy and entertainment to another family by donating or donating your old one!

While some parents may love to keep the old backyard swing set as a fond reminder of their kids' childhood, it can be financially wiser to do otherwise. That being said, if the sentimental value is attached to your children's former playground equipment, perhaps keeping it around for nostalgia could be worth its weight in gold!

Is Investing in an Outdoor Playset Worth the Upfront Costs?

Studies have indicated that many prospective home buyers are happy to settle for a smaller house if their yard space is larger. Drawing correlations between these two facts, it can be concluded that having an outdoor playset may add to the value of a property upon reselling.

If you ever choose to sell your property, an abundance of potential customers will be intrigued by the fact that it comes with a pre-installed outdoor playset. Not only does this make your home more attractive and desirable, but it also adds valuable worth to your real estate, making it easier to recoup the cost of the playset at the time of resale.

How to Find the Best Outdoor Playset for You?

Simplified Playgrounds has a lot in store for you. It is your source of the highest quality playsets and outdoor play equipment. We specialize in custom-built, residential-grade playsets with the best materials to ensure durability and unbeatable quality. Our experienced team can help you design the perfect playset for your own backyard, ensuring that it fits within your budget and meets your specific needs. We offer a wide selection of playsets, from simple swings and slides to elaborate treehouses and playhouses, including creative cedar designs. We aim to ensure you get the best value for your money, so you can rest assured knowing that your family will enjoy years of fun with their outdoor playset!

Overall, investing in an outdoor playset can bring your family years of entertainment and joy while potentially adding value to your home. In addition, an outdoor playset can last for years with suitable materials and maintenance.


Investing in an outdoor playset can be a great idea for families looking to bring quality playtime and entertainment to their children's lives. Investing in an outdoor playset is undoubtedly worth your time and money if you consider some crucial elements. Don't splurge on the cost; obtain something that will be cherished by your children, with enough playtime to ensure their happiness. And most importantly, select a set that has longevity so it can either be sold or kept as a keepsake for years to come!

Not only will this provide hours of fun and relaxation, but it can also add value to your home when it comes time to resell! With suitable materials, maintenance, and care, outdoor playsets can last many years, providing your family with quality entertainment and fond memories.

Simplified Playgrounds is here to help you find the perfect playset for yourself and your children—providing you with accessories that are the best value for your money. So what are you waiting for? Let us help make some lasting childhood memories!