Poured-In-Place - Simplified Playgrounds
Poured-In-Place - Simplified Playgrounds


Poured-In-Place Rubber is classified as a unitary safety surfacing. Unitary surfacing is bounded together and creates superior fall protection and a layer of protection. 

Poured-in-place rubber comes in a variety of colours and designs that can enhance the aesthetic of your playground. Designs can be configured to create additional play elements using the surfacing - think hopscotch, jumping circles, or connecting pathways/roads.

All unitary safety surfacing is accessible and makes for an excellent surfacing choice to encourage children of all abilities to play together.


  • Long lifespan
  • Low maintenance requirements
  • Accessible
  • Safe choice
  • Usable by children in mobility devices


  • Higher initial cost
  • Professional installation required
  • Installation is weather dependent

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